Buyers > Tools > Business Organiztion
Limited Liability Company
This information came from the State of New Jersey’s Web site. Check with your accountant, lawyer or small business advisor for the most current information or changes to the tax law for this type of business organization.
The NJ Limited Liability Company (LLC) Act, N.J.S.A. 42:2b-1, provides for the establishment
of LLCs in NJ. To form a LLC a Certificate of Formation is filed with the
Division of Revenue. It should include:
- LLC’s name, the registered agent’s name and address, and the
registered office address.
- Latest date of dissolution, if applicable.
- A statement that the LLC has 1+ members, and may stipulate that
the entity will be formed at any date/time after filing the
of formation.
LLCs are a separate legal entity and can continue until cancellation of
the LLC's certificate of formation. Foreign LLCs must register with the Division of Revenue before
conducting business in NJ.
Typically LLCs are governed by an operating or other written agreement that sets forth details
relating to membership, including relative rights, powers, and duties (e.g., voting). It may also
indicate the LLC is headed by a manager and may even provide for classes/groups of members in the
manner established in the operating agreement.
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