Services > Preferred Buyers Program
Find a Business Faster
The Preferred Buyer Program is for buyers who are serious and motivated.
Instead of coming into our office to sign the standard agreements
once qualified,
you gain online access to EBB’s full services and listings to help you find
the right business faster.
When you register, you are asked to identify key factors, such as location,
business type, price, and down payment. Our proprietary software generates a list of
businesses that matches your criteria.
Access Detailed Information Online
Once you have signed a confidentiality agreement, you will have 24/7 access to business profiles, which includes the business’
name, its address, photographs and financial information
Receive Information First
Instead of checking with us, you will automatically receive monthly
reports and new business listings, changes and updates as they occur via E-mail.
Registration Fee is Refundable
Registration fees for the Preferred Buyer Program are refundable when you buy a business through EBB.